
10 Under 10: Where in the world is Dr. Amrita Patel?

Adventure: “As a child, I thought I was going to grow up tobe an Egyptologist,” Dr. Amrita Patel said. “I was fascinated with Egypt. I never really gave dentistry a second thought, despite the fact that my father is an endodontist."

Editor’s note: Amrita Rohit Patel, D.D.S., of Chappaqua, New York, is one of the recipients of this year’s 10 Under 10 Awards, which recognizes new dentists who demonstrate excellence early in their careers. Dr. Patel, who owns multiple specialty group practices in New York City, serves as the new dentist member of the ADA Council on Dental Benefit Plans and the New York State Dental Association’s Council on Ethics. She is in the current class of the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership. For more information, visit .

Photo of Dr. Patel
Family: Dr. Patel works six days a week with her father, Dr. Rohit Z. Patel, at their practice with various locations in Westchester County, New York, where she specializes in restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

A recipient of the Bernard Tillis Award by the New York State Dental Association and a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, Dr. Patel speaks of a hard road to dentistry paved by having key relationships from the beginning – dental school. She met two other aspiring dentists during dental school orientation at New York University College of Dentistry, from which she graduated in 2011.

“Dental school was hard for me,” she said. “You know, the science and the academic portions came very easily. The clinical dentistry and hand skills did not. Thankfully, I had both of my best friends. They were great. The clinical portions of dental school and the simulation lab part? They are the reason that I made it through. I had to practice a lot more than a lot of people did, but I think it’s one of those things where you either pick up on it very quickly or you take your time. It took me time, and I finally got it.”

She is big on paying blessings forward and changing the face of dentistry to reflect more women, racial minorities and others with little representation.

“I understand that I was given a platform and I had this great opportunity that many people don’t,” Dr. Patel said. “Outside of clinical dentistry being able to be supportive with future generations is very important to me, and so I have stayed actively involved with the American Student Dental Association. And, I still have my leadership positions within the state and nationally.”

Her own experiences give her a soft spot and valuable frame of reference for younger dentists and dental students who may also face challenges. Sheadvises them to look for a strong peer support system early on.

“When I speak to students who [ask about being a new dentist] I tell them it will be very hard to make it through without your life raft, so make sure you find them and hang on to them,” she said.

Dr. Patel works six days a week with her father, Dr. Rohit Z. Patel, at their practice with various locations in Westchester County, New York, where she specializes in restorativeand cosmetic dentistry.

“We are very committed to working with newer graduates because, as I said as a child of an immigrant, someone gave my dad a chance when he came to this country not knowing anyone,” she said. “Obviously, I had him. We very much believe in giving people a chance.”

When she’s not working or volunteering to serve on councils, she relaxes at home and visits her folks who live nearby. She also takes as many excursions in the world as possible. In fact, she was vacationing in the Maldives when discussing her career for this article.

“My Sunday is my day to unplug, so I try to do as little as possible,” she said. “I go and spend time with my parents because I only live about 15 minutes from them. I would say that my overall number one hobby is seeing the world. Adventuring. There’s just so much to see out there. In the next couple of months we’re going to Italy. We’re going to Portugal. It’s constantly moving every chance that I get.”

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