
Wellness countdown to 2022 — 2. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others


Editor’s note: Here’s to a healthier 2022!

Let’s face it…it hasn’t been an easy year, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to impact day-to-day lives.

In August 2020, an ADA Health Policy Institute survey on the impact of COVID-19 on dentists under the age of 35 found that 87% reported experiencing anxiety and 55% reported experiencing depression. In the same survey, 55% were not familiar with mental health and other supportive services; and over 30% were not comfortable seeking out mental health services for themselves or team members. Early indications from the 2021 health survey show continued mental health concerns for dentists, including anxiety and depression.

Let’s count down the last busy days of 2021 by highlighting wellness resources and tips the ADA has to offer — from toolkits on workplace wellness and videos on ergonomics to webinars andfact sheets on mental health.

2. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others

Think of the mind as a bottle of soda. Life shakes it up. Inside, the pressure builds. That pressure is looking for somewhere to go. If you don’t release it, it continues to go. It grows to the point where you can’t enjoy the things you use to, can’t leave the house or even get out of bed.

It’s important to find moments to open up and release that pressure. It can be as simple as taking a deep breath to practicing mental hygiene, self-care and exercising — because if you take care of yourself, you’ll be better in taking care of others.

Visit for more wellness tips.

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