
Creating inclusion and comfort: Orthodontist connects with LGBTQ+ dental community

Endurance: Marc E. Weber, D.D.S., runs in the 2024 Boston Marathon. Photo courtesy of Dr. Weber.

Orthodontist Marc E. Weber, D.D.S., said that as someone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community, his first five years in the dental profession were incredibly rewarding.

“I have a diverse demographic of patients and many that identify as LGBTQ+,” said the Maryland-based alum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry. “It is so important for me to create an environment for these patients, in particular, that is both inclusive and comfortable. I want them to know they are supported, as that was so crucial on my journey.”

His own journey to dental school came after a stint in an incredibly different environment after growing up in St. Louis.

“I initially pursued a career in film but ultimately found my way to dentistry,” Dr. Weber said. “Like film, dentistry afforded me the ability to express myself creatively but also have an impact on the lives of others.”

When he chose to attend the University of North Carolina, Dr. Weber found himself dealing with some trepidation.

“While I was nervous about entering dental school in the South, I quickly realized I was among highly intelligent and progressive individuals,” he said. “Multiple classmates identified as part of the LGBTQ+ community. This support system, along with the legalization of gay marriage, was empowering and ultimately afforded me the self-awareness and confidence needed to come out to my friends and family.”

Once he became a dentist, he again found a community that welcomed him.

“I have several dental colleagues who identify as LGBTQ+,” he said. “I have developed lasting friendships with these individuals, and their support over the years has been invaluable. We face challenges on a daily basis, both as oral health care providers and as members of the LGBTQ+ community. Having this network of like-minded individuals to rely on has been crucial to my growth both professionally and personally.”

LGBTQ+ representation in the dental profession is paramount to ensuring the specific needs and concerns of this patient population are met, he said.

“Patients often feel more comfortable receiving care from providers who are approachable and share a similar background,” he said. “If a patient feels safe, they are more likely to communicate effectively with their provider, which can strengthen the provider-patient relationship and lead to better patient outcomes.”

Ultimately, Dr. Weber believes diversity in the dental profession is essential.

“Promoting diversity in the dental field improves accessibility to care and bridges the gap in health inequality,” he said. “As an orthodontist in particular, I am uniquely positioned among other health care providers. I see my patients regularly for years on end, which affords me the opportunity to develop rapport and meaningful relationships. As many of these patients are adolescents, they are at a pivotal moment in their social and cognitive development. The ability to have a positive impact at such a critical moment, especially with someone struggling with their identity, is incredibly rewarding.”

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