
Learn about 20 game-changers for 2021 and beyond

Dr. Hyman

When living life in the fast lane of private practice, how do you improve your patient’s experience as you deliver optimal care?

Highly successful teams constantly reimagine, reinvent and implement change to assure success during turbulent times.

Prepare to laugh and learn when attending Dentistry's Top Game Changers — High Tech/High Touch Advances for 2021 (3109) , scheduled for Oct. 13 from 10:30 a.m.-noon at Jasmine C in the Mandalay Bay South Convention Center.

Worth 1.5 hours of continuing education credit, the course is presented by Mark E. Hyman, D.D.S., adjunct full professor and special assistant to the office of the dean at the UNC Adams School of Dentistry in North Carolina.

The fee is included with the Smile Pass and Platinum Smile Pass.

The learning objectives are to evaluate and implement high-tech and high-touch advances in dentistry; capitalize on the individual skills of dental team members to improve productivity and quality care; and apply new techniques and training for keeping the dental team focused and enthused even when things go wrong.

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