CDC mobile app allows users to review basic infection prevention principles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed free offering

Dental health care personnel can use the mobile application CDC DentalCheck to periodically assess their practices and ensure they are meeting the minimum expectations for safe care.
The free app, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, puts the Infection Prevention Checklist for Dental Settings in an easy-to-use format for use on a phone or tablet. The app allows users to review basic infection prevention principles and links to full recommendations and source documents for dental health care settings. It also has the capability to export or save results and notes for records management.
The infection prevention coordinator and other staff trained in infection prevention are encouraged to use this app at least annually to assess the status of their administrative policies and practices and also engage in direct observation of personnel and patient-care practices.
The app is available for iOS (at the Apple App Store) and AndroidTM devices (on Google Play).
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