HPI: Nearly half of dentists offer health insurance to employees
Practice schedules, recruitment needs remain steady

Nearly half of dentists offer health insurance to their employees, according to the latest wave of the ADA Health Policy Institute's Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry poll.
Of the roughly 1,200 respondents, 47% said they offer health insurance, and of those who do not, 83% cited the cost.
Other results from the poll, which was conducted July 12-17, included:
- Dental practice schedules have been steady the past few months. Schedules were 85% full on average in July. Patient no-shows and late cancellations are largely to blame for unfulfilled appointment slots.
- Dental team recruitment needs remained steady in July. Dental assistants are the most in-demand member of the dental team, with roughly 4 out of 10 dentists currently or recently recruiting for this position. Recruiting dental hygienists continues to present the most difficulty for dentists. About three-quarters of hiring dentists reported hygienist recruitment to be extremely challenging.
- Dentists' confidence in economic recovery did not worsen in July, but it remains low.
The HPI's Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry monthly poll began in January to measure the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and to gather dentists' opinions on other current and emerging issues impacting their practices. The revamped panel is a continuation and expansion of the previous poll that HPI conducted between the onset of the pandemic and December 2021.
To join the panel, read the full monthly reports or view the new interactive state dashboard, visit ADA.org/HPIpoll.