ADA launches initiative to provide standards to dental schools for free
Effort is part of American National Standards Institute's University Outreach Program

As part of a new program, dental school faculty and their students can access eligible national and international dental standards and technical reports for free to use as part of their curricula.
Through its University Outreach Program, the American National Standards Institute provides free access to international dental standards for use in educational settings. The American Dental Association has partnered with ANSI to be the first standards-developing organization to also provide access to a selection of its national dental standards and all of its technical reports.
The goal of the ADA effort is to help raise understanding among dental students of the importance and practical impact of the Association's standards in their future as practicing dentists. The ADA will be conducting a targeted awareness campaign to encourage participation from all dental schools.
"Historically, dental education has not placed a large emphasis on standards and what they do for our profession and the public we serve," said Jeffrey A. Platt, D.D.S., chair of the ADA Standards Committee on Dental Products and the department of biomedical sciences and comprehensive care at the Indiana University School of Dentistry. "This new initiative, to make standards available for use in the curricula of our schools, provides an exciting opportunity for faculty to reference documents prepared through a consensus of experts and to help students understand the importance of this work being done by the ADA."
For a list of available standards and technical reports and to enroll in the program, visit
The ADA is accredited by ANSI to develop American National Standards and technical reports for products and information technology used by dental professionals and consumers. The ADA also develops the U.S. position and provides the U.S. vote on all international dental standards.
Standards developed by the ADA serve the dental profession by ensuring product safety and efficacy for both clinicians and patients and providing information on new and emerging technologies.
There are currently more than 140 national and 180 international dental standards, and more are under development.