2023 National Children's Dental Health Month approaching
Free posters, flyers available for download, postcards for purchase

The ADA Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention announced in October the 2023 National Children's Dental Health Month theme: Brush, Floss, Smile!!
National Children's Dental Health Month is celebrated every February.
Brought to the public by the ADA, the month-long national health observance brings together thousands of dedicated professionals, health care providers and educators to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers and many others.
"I have always celebrated National Children's Dental Health Month," said James Mancini, D.M.D, chair of the Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention as well as a Give Kids A Smile ambassador. "Oral health is so important for our youngest, and I feel it is my duty and privilege as a dentist to emphasize brushing, flossing and other healthy habits so that the children grow up to become healthy adults."
Free posters - with English on the front, Spanish on the back - about National Children's Dental Health Month are available to order on the National Children's Dental Health Month website, ADA.org/ncdhm.
Flyers can also be downloaded and printed.
In addition, for the first time, postcards can be purchased and are available in English and Spanish.
Additional materials, including a coloring page, word search, crossword puzzle, and toothbrushing calendar are available for download on the website.
Nicole Lesny, a student from Columbia College in Chicago, designed the poster for this upcoming year's observance.
"On a personal level, I love to smile with my teeth [and] I think smiling with your teeth is beautiful," Ms. Lesny said. "Everyone has a right to get access to clean and healthy teeth,empowering them with their smile."
Email ncdhm@ada.org with questions.