ADA House of Delegates approves 2023 budget
Includes $18 dues increase

Houston - The ADA House of Delegates closed its 2022 session Oct. 18, approving a small dues increase and budget deficit.
The 2023 budget reflects $146,407,000 in revenues and $148,326,000 in expenses and income taxes, generating a net deficit of $1,919,000. The House of Delegates set annual membership dues at $600 for 2023 which includes an increase of $18 from 2022. The increase includes $14 based on a 2.4% average rate of inflation over the last five years in compliance with House Resolution 14H-2019, plus $4 to cover additional new programs or the improvement of existing programs passed by the House of Delegates.
The House resolution from 2019 asked the Board to propose dues adjustments based on a five-year consumer price increase, which yields for a much lower increase for 2023 than signaled by current inflation.
"The 2023 budget prudently enables the ADA to make much-needed investments in the programs and initiatives that will position us for a strong future," said ADA President George R. Shepley, D.D.S. "Our Association is sharpening its focus on the needs of our members and all those who find value in what we provide. The House of Delegates' careful consideration and adoption of the 2023 budget is the first step to strategically aligning our resources in support of our goals."
ADA Treasurer Ted Sherwin, D.D.S., said the inflation increase is much lower than the Consumer Price Index for 2022, which is currently over 8%.
"The ADA is currently re-engineering the way it's organized and functions to be more focused on members and customers in a digital world and quickly changing marketplace," ADA Treasurer Ted Sherwin, D.D.S., said. "One of the most recognizable improvements for our members is the new mobile phone app. This allows members to access all of the ADA's valued resources quickly and easily. With the House's approval of the 2023 budget and endorsement of strategic forecasting, the stage is set for the ADA to deliver more and better focused benefits to members."