Mark Rolfing Experience teeing up fun, charity, oral cancer CE at SmileCon
Golf commentator will be on hand in Houston for three events at SmileCon 2022 that draw on career, winning bout with cancer

Golf commentator Mark Rolfing overcame a shocking diagnosis of stage IV salivary gland cancer in 2015. Rolfing’s cancer was rare and he turned to MD Anderson Cancer Center for proton radiation therapy. Dentists have also played a role in his cancer care, recovery and survivorship.
Rolfing will be on hand in Houston for the Mark Rolfing Experience: three events at SmileCon 2022 that draw on both his career achievements among golf’s premier broadcasters and his winning bout with cancer.
The events will include a meet-and-greet with putting practice, fundraiser to benefit children fighting cancer, and a continuing education course panel with discussion of his medical and dental treatment.
With more than 30 years on national television, Rolfing is well-known to golf fans. He is prominently featured on NBC and Golf Channel tournament broadcasts at major championships. USA Today named him “Golf’s best on-course commentator.” The PGA of America honored Mark and his wife Debi with their Distinguished Service Award in 2017, recognizing those who advance humanitarian interests through the game.
Dental Central will host an open meet-and-greet opportunity and interactive putting display with Rolfing providing individualized instruction and tips. NO pre-registration is required to participate.
- Improve your game!! Putting Clinic with Mark.
Friday, Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m., at Dental Central, Hall C, Booth 2503.
A fundraiser benefiting Camp H-Town, a nonprofit whose mission is to bring back the joys of childhood to kids whom cancer has impacted, also is scheduled later on Friday. Previously purchased tickets are required for this event. Capacity is 45 attendees. Tickets are available for $140 and include hors d'oeuvres, desserts, a hosted bar and golf games with prizes. - VIP Reception Benefiting Camp H-Town.
Friday, Oct. 14, 7–9 p.m., Four Seasons TopGolf Swing Suite.
For more information on SmileCon 2022, happening Oct. 13-15 in Houston, including how to register to attend, visit