
Diagnosis, Treatment Planning & Interdisciplinary

Written comments sought for CDT Code 2025 changes

Next annual Code Maintenance Committee meeting scheduled at ADA Headquarters from March 7-8


The dental community is invited to comment on any change requests for the 2025 edition of the CDT Code. 

Comments should be submitted before the Code Maintenance Committee meeting scheduled for Marcy 7-8 at ADA Headquarters in Chicago.

Any interested party may submit written comments on any of the requests prior to the meeting. Written comments must be transmitted via email to and be received no later than 3 p.m. Central time on Feb. 16.

For more information and to access the code requests, visit

Change requests may be submitted at any time, though the annual closing date for submissions was? Nov. 1. Any requests received after the closing date will be addressed in the next annual maintenance cycle.

The ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs established its Code Maintenance Committee to ensure that all stakeholders have an active role in evaluating and voting on CDT Code changes. It is the body that votes to accept, amend or decline requests. The CMC is expected to arrive at decisions that are in the best interests of the profession, patients and third-party payers/administrators.

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