ADA urges grassroots action to seek extension of Action for Dental Health Act
Act reauthorizes funding for the federal oral health workforce grant program

The ADA is asking dental professionals to write their congressional delegation urging them to support a reauthorization of the Action for Dental Health Act, which provides funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration’s oral health workforce grant program.
The workforce grant program, which will expire at the end of this fiscal year, would be extended until 2028, according to an action alert sent out July 20.
“The Action for Dental Health has supported many state-based efforts to reduce dental disease through oral health education, grow the oral health workforce and place it where it’s most needed, reduce emergency department visits through establishing dental homes, and many other important initiatives,” according to the alert.
Without reauthorization this year, those initiatives could lose their funding, according to the alert.
A template to contact congressional representatives is available at