ADA seeks participants for 2023 SNODENT review
Application deadline is July 15

The American Dental Association is seeking qualified individuals to join a canvass committee to consider approval of the 2023 revision of the Systemized Nomenclature of Dentistry.
ANSI/ADA Standard No. 2000.6 for SNODENT was approved by the American National Standards Institute as an American National Standard in 2022. It is revised annually.
SNODENT provides standardized oral health terminology designed for use with electronic health records to enable consistent retrieval, transmission and analysis of data across health care systems.
The ADA SNODENT Canvass Committee is a volunteer group administered by the ADA Department of Standards to review, comment and vote on whether revisions of SNODENT should be forwarded to ANSI for approval.
Proposed revisions are prepared by the SNODENT Maintenance Committee, a group of experts representing all dental specialty groups as well as academic, insurance and government organizations.
Participation in the SNODENT Canvass Committee is free and open to all interested parties. All canvass activities will be conducted electronically through the ADA’s collaborative website for standards development; no in-person meetings are planned.
To learn more or join the committee, email The application deadline is July 15.
The ADA is accredited by ANSI as a standards-developing organization that adheres to a voluntary consensus process that is transparent and open to all interested parties and maintains a balance of interests.