Well-Being Index available to all ADA members to support mental health
Risk assessment tool invented by Mayo Clinic available at no cost

The Well-Being Index, an anonymous validated assessment, resource and measurement tool developed by the Mayo Clinic to address clinician distress and well-being, is newly available at no cost for every ADA member.
The ADA Council on Dental Practice pivoted its efforts from an ADA well-being survey to action by piloting the confidential, easy-to-use risk assessment tool, with the help of the ADA Wellness Ambassador Program.
Findings from the survey showed that 46% of the participant dentists are struggling or distressed.
“Having access to a tool such as the WBI is an important commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of dentists,” said Kami Dornfeld, D.D.S., ADA Dental Team Wellness Advisory Committee chair. “Mental health is health. Our patients’ health depends on our being able to prioritize our own health and well-being.”
The Council on Dental Practice aligned its wellness priorities, such as the WBI, with those outlined by the National Academy of Medicine’s National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, to invest in assessment, measurement and resource strategies.
“Dentistry is a rewarding profession, but also a challenging one,” said Jeffrey Ottley, D.M.D., chair of the council. “As dental professionals, we have an ethical obligation to take care of ourselves physically and mentally. The ADA is offering the index tool so every member dentist may assess their own well-being over time.”
The index, used by hundreds of health care organizations, takes one minute to answer nine questions, evaluating risk of fatigue, depression, burnout, anxiety.
This ADA-licensed version directly connects participants to ADA resources. Members can continue to take the WBI at a selected frequency and can reference their own personal dashboard.
A dental version validation study was published in the peer-reviewed online journal British Dental Journal (BDJ) Open in January 2024 that concluded that the WBI can be effective.
To access the member benefit, visit ADA.org/resources/practice/wellness/well-being-index-members to set-up a WBI account and then take the assessment.
For additional health and wellness resources, visit ADA.org/Wellness.