Two ADA Foundation awards open to early-career researchers showing promise
Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award, Crest and Oral-B Promising Researcher Award recognize excellence

The ADA Foundation has two award opportunities for researchers early in their careers who have demonstrated leadership and research excellence in dentistry.
The Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award is given each year to recognize a promising individual whose leadership and research excellence has made a substantial contribution to public oral health.
This annual $5,000 award, which honors researchers and leaders from diverse backgrounds, enables the winner to attend the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership. The Institute provides education and leadership training to dentists who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in leadership roles within the dental profession and their communities. The award funds may also support research focused on an oral health issue or challenge within an underserved population or community.
Eligible applicants must be a member of a diverse group that has been traditionally underrepresented. The applicant must be either a dental student, practicing dentist, dental graduate studies candidate, dental resident enrolled in an accredited dental school education program, or an early-career dentist under the age of 40.
The application deadline for the Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award is June 24 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.
For additional eligibility information and to apply, visit the online application portal.
The second award is the Crest and Oral-B Promising Researcher Award, which promotes and recognizes excellence in oral health research by providing $5,000 to a promising candidate whose research is focused on preventive dentistry.
Eligible candidates may be involved in basic, translational or clinical research. Award funds will enable the winning candidate to attend one or more scientific conferences to further their knowledge or skills or to present research findings.
Degree candidates must conduct oral health research in preventive dentistry while enrolled in one of the following degree programs at an eligible institution:
· D.D.S. or D.M.D.
· D.D.S./D.M.D. and Ph.D. dual degree
· Advanced Dental Education
· Ph.D. or equivalent
· M.P.H., M.S. or equivalent
· Foreign equivalent
The application portal opens June 28, and the deadline is Sept. 16 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.
For questions about the Awards, contact Tracey Schilligo, ADA Foundation professional programs manager, at or 312-440-2763.