
ADA Board recommends no dues increase

House of Delegates to vote Oct. 22

The ADA Board of Trustees is recommending there be no change to active member dues for 2025.

At its Aug. 16-18 meeting, the Board of Trustees voted to recommend a 2025 active member dues rate of $570, effective Jan. 1, 2025.

The House of Delegates will meet in New Orleans Oct. 19-22 to discuss and vote on the dues proposal.

Pursuant to the ADA Bylaws, the dues of ADA active members shall be established by the House of Delegates as the last item of business at each annual session. The resolution to establish the dues of active members for the following year shall be proposed at each annual session by the ADA Board of Trustees. The dues resolution may be amended to any amount by the House and requires a 60% affirmative vote for adoption (ADA Bylaws, Chapter XII, Section 50).




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