
Letters: Remembering volunteerism

I was overjoyed when I read the MyView by Dr. Maryann Lehmann in the Jan. 20 ADA News, “My Volunteer Experience at a Native American Dental Clinic.” My father, Dr. John Boarini, founded that clinic. He was friends with Father John Hatcher, the head of St. Francis Mission. On a hunting trip to South Dakota we became very aware of the great need for dental care. My father talked Fr. Hatcher into using the old administrative building for a clinic. Dad ran an ad in the Illinois State Dental Society monthly and asked for used equipment. Seventeen years later and the clinic is still going. As Dr. Lehmann, I encourage others to volunteer wherever and whenever possible. DDS (Donated Dental Services) is a great place to start. Thank you again Dr. Lehmann and all those who volunteer; you are keeping Dr. Jack’s dream alive.

Daniel J. Boarini, D.D.S.
Antioch, Illinois

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