Changing world of dentistry: Digital, restorative, preventive innovations
Experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham revealed recent innovations in dentistry.
Advancements in the field of dentistry have allowed for improvements in diagnostics and patient comfort, according to a news report from The Birmingham Times.
The experts cited in the article detailed that the introduction of 3D-scanning technology has allowed for clinicians to take digital impressions of patients’ teeth — which have been shown to be quicker and more accurate than conventional methods. Digital technology has also provided opportunities to improve treatment planning, dental appliance construction, communication and digital storage.
Further, less-invasive restorations may be performed to save teeth. For instance, novel treatments and materials are capable of fixing cavities, broken teeth and nerves to avoid more-invasive procedures such as root canals, as well as improve treatment success rates.
Clinicians can also detect and reverse dental issues earlier to help patients reduce their risk of developing more severe dental conditions.
The experts concluded that patients should visit their dentists regularly to improve their oral health.
Read more: The Birmingham Times
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