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Dual referral model to boost bone anabolic therapy in patients with osteoporosis, dental implants

A physician-dentist dual referral model could help enhance bone anabolic therapy and alveolar bone regeneration in patients with osteoporosis and dental implants.

In a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, investigators examined the perspectives of key opinion leaders on the use of a dual referral model and systemic bone anabolic drugs in dental implant therapy. The investigators conducted interviews with two groups: A bone health group comprising specialists in orthopedic surgery, internal medicine, geriatrics, endocrinology and clinical densitometry as well as a surgical dental group comprising specialists in periodontics and oral surgery.

The key opinion leaders generally agreed that bone anabolic therapy for osteoporosis should be timed with dental treatment and expressed support for the physician-dentist dual referral model.

The findings may help improve interdisciplinary collaboration, education and communication between physicians and dentists treating bone issues.

Read more: JADA

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