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Early HPV vaccination key to preventing cervical cancer

A study from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute confirmed the bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine prevents the development of invasive cervical cancer, especially when given early in life.

The study followed a large cohort of women, finding no cases of cervical cancer in those who were immunized at 12 or 13 years old, regardless of the number of doses they received. Women who were vaccinated between 14 and 22 years of age and given three vaccine doses showed a significant reduction in cancer incidence compared with all unvaccinated women.

The findings indicate one or two doses of the vaccine are beneficial if given at 12 or 13 years, but three doses are required at older ages to achieve statistically significant effectiveness. Women from deprived areas also benefited more from vaccination than those from affluent areas.

Full Story: Journal of the National Cancer Institute

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