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National water fluoridation awards highlight progress in tooth decay prevention

The ADA, in collaboration with the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Oral Health Program, announced the Fluoridation Awards Database has now been updated to include all of the 2023 Community Water Fluoridation 50 Year Awards made for accomplishments in water fluoridation through April 2024. The awards were announced at this year’s National Oral Health Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

A total of 82 public water systems across 29 states received the 2023 50 Year Awards. Nationally, the awards reflected over 209 million Americans receiving optimally fluoridated tap water through community water systems. The ADA-ASTDD-CDC joint initiative acknowledged the continued efforts of Water Systems and Water Operators with the support of dental professionals to prevent tooth decay and promote oral health in both adults and children. As a result of ongoing water fluoridation, the organizations estimated that tooth decay has been reduced by up to 25% in these communities.

In addition to the 50 Year Awards, the ADA-ASTDD-CDC collaboration recognized water systems with 75 Year Awards, Reaffirmation Awards, State Fluoridation Quality Awards and Merit Awards.

Read more: 2024 Awards Brochure

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