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Some states break from COVID-19 isolation guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends five days of isolation with or without symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19, but some states have a different idea. California and Oregon are the first to deviate from the CDC, allowing people who have tested positive to return to public life if they are not exhibiting symptoms.


People experiencing symptoms can return to work or school 24 hours after being fever free as long as symptoms are "mild and improving." People without any symptoms do not have to isolate at all, according to the respective state guidelines. But both states still advise patients to avoid contact with high-risk people and wear a mask around others for 10 days after testing positive or showing symptoms. 


“We are now at a different point in time with reduced impacts from COVID-19 compared to prior years due to broad immunity from vaccination and/or natural infection, and readily available treatments available for infected people,” California Department of Public Health Director Tomás Aragón, M.D., Dr.P.H., said in the state order. 


Full Story: USA Today



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