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Teeth whitening: Where to start?

The teeth whitening market has exploded in recent years so it can be overwhelming for the consumer who's interested in jazzing up their smile. Tricia Quartey, D.M.D., ADA spokesperson and CEO of Noble Dental Care in Brooklyn, New York, discusses what patients need to know before they embark on their smile journey. 

Not everyone should whiten their teeth. Patients with cavities, active infections and areas of gum recession can experience irritation and increased sensitivity from teeth whitening. Dr. Quartey also recommends seeing a dentist first, getting a cleaning and receiving clearance from the dentist before you seek out teeth whitening. 

Consumers can either get a professional tooth whitening treatment at their dentist's office or try an over-the-counter product. In-office whitening typically uses a higher concentration of bleaching agents for quicker results than the in-home treatment. However, having a dentist whiten your teeth may be more expensive and not covered by insurance. 

Full story: USA Today


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