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Wavelengths of light-curing units could affect photocuring in resin-based composites


Researchers assessed the benefit of two curing methods in resin-based composites.

In a study published in Dental Materials, the researchers sought to evaluate the depth of cure and degree of conversion of resin-based composites with either a light-curing unit emitting red and infrared light or a control light-curing unit with an optical filter designed to block these wavelengths.

The researchers found that although the light-curing unit offered a greater depth of cure, the effects were diminished with the use of metal molds. When they increased the distance from the light tip by up to 4 millimeters, the degree of conversion increased for resin-based composites cured with the light-curing unit but not for those cured with the control unit. Because the blue peak wavelengths were shorter with the control light-curing unit, this unit was found to have poorer photocuring efficiency for some resin-based composites.

The findings highlighted the potential of light-curing units with additional wavelengths to enhance depth of cure and degree of conversion.

Read more: Dental Materials

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