
ADA House of Delegates approves 2022 budget

Las Vegas - The ADA House of Delegates closed its 2021 session Oct. 16, approving a small dues increase and a nearly balanced budget.

The 2022 budget reflects $143.9 million in revenues and $144.3 million in expenses and income taxes, generating a net deficit of $386,000. The House of Delegates set annual membership dues at $582 for 2022 which includes an increase of $9 from 2021 for inflation in compliance with Resolution 14H-2019.

"The House of Delegates thoughtfully considered the 2022 budget on behalf of the ADA's membership, weighing the current realities against our financial strengths and opportunities," said ADA President Cesar R. Sabates, D.D.S. "The budget allows us to meet the membership's changing needs - as revealed by the pandemic - and it will support advancement on our strategic objectives. It provides us a sustainable means of moving forward."

Then ADA president, Daniel J. Klemmedson, D.D.S., M.D., praised the House's actions, as it allows the Association to continue moving forward with a digital transformation, which involves delivering new ways to engage with the ADA, making it easier to join, engage, purchase, access information, network and get involved.

"The ADA's 2022 budget builds on our financial strength and helps us adapt to a new normal as we emerge from the pandemic," Dr. Klemmedson said. "By passing the 2022 budget, the House has expressed its support of the ADA's wide-ranging efforts to meet the needs of this new normal, such as expanding capacity for state associations and investing in the digital member experience."

ADA Treasurer Ted Sherwin, D.D.S., said the 2022 budget represents a new normal for the Association and had praised the ADA for having the financial discipline to manage assets that have built up over the years.

"I am very pleased with the way the ADA is responding to the worldwide pandemic and financial crisis," Dr Sherwin said. "We were able to continue funding of our core activities that are unique to the ADA throughout 2020. Examples of these activities that members can't find anywhere else are: Advocacy, science, clinical guidance for COVID-19, standards, admission and board testing, digital communications and capacity building for state dental associations.

This year the ADA is showing strong signs of recovery from the financial crisis of 2020. As we transition this year into 2022, we are continuing our recovery and looking at how the Association can serve our members as they adapt to a new post covid world that is vastly different than the old world of 2019."

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