Free ADA webinar will illuminate CDT 2023 Code changes
Webinar featuring Christopher Bulnes, D.M.D., and Mark Mihalo, D.D.S., streams Nov. 15

A free ADA webinar in November will educate participants on key changes to the 2023 CDT Code and how these changes affect treatment planning and documentation.
Optimizing Your Practice 2022: Accurate Coding for Treatment/Record-keeping/Claims will stream Nov. 15 from noon-1 p.m. Central time.
The presenters are Christopher Bulnes, D.M.D, former chair of the ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs, and Mark Mihalo, D.D.S., former member of the council. Drs. Mihalo and Bulnes are co-authors of the ADA Dental Coding Certificate course and both have presented the course multiple times over the past two years.
"In this must-see webinar, participants will recognize key code changes effective in CDT version 2023 and understand their evolving roles in treatment planning and patient record documentation," said Dr. Bulnes.
Drs. Bulnes and Mihalo will discuss their experience in the CDT Code's maintenance process, as well as how they use procedure codes in their practice management systems.
"Participants will become familiar with the CDT Code's structure and maintenance process and how individual dentists participate in shaping the code set's content," said Dr. Mihalo.
For more information on the CDT code and coding resources for dentists, visit
One hour of continuing education credit for this webinar event is available.