
SmileCon forums promote Massachusetts ballot initiative

Goal is for patients to get more value from their dental insurance premiums


Heard about the Massachusetts ballot initiative?

The ADA held two open forums in Houston addressing why the Massachusetts November ballot initiative is important to dentists everywhere. If passed, the measure would establish an 83% medical loss ratio for dental insurance plans in the state and would also include reporting requirements and rebates to dental plan subscribers when the medical loss ratio is not met.

“The upcoming November ballot initiative will help ensure patients get more value from their dental insurance premiums,” said Mike Graham, senior vice president, ADA Division of Government and Public Affairs, who was joined by Chad Olson, director, ADA State Government Affairs, at the forums.

Medical loss ratios, or MLRs, set requirements on what portion of a customer’s premium must be spent on oral health care. Without these requirements, dental insurers in Massachusetts are free to spend whatever portion they wish of patient premiums on the company’s operating, marketing and administrative activities, which include executive salaries.

The ballot measure was initiated by a group of Massachusetts dentists and the Massachusetts Dental Society Trustees voted to endorse supporting the ballot question earlier this year.

The ADA has supported the initiative by committing $5 million to the Massachusetts Dental Care Providers for Better Dental Benefits campaign.

The ADA is asking dentists nationwide to consider financially contributing to the campaign. By supporting a "yes" vote on Massachusetts Question 2, the ADA hopes to set a precedent that could herald future change for dental insurance across the country. For more information or to donate directly, visit the campaign website.


Attendee at Massachusetts forum at SmileCon
Advocacy: Chad Olson, director, ADA State Government Affairs, talks to Francis Kim, D.D.S., executive director, American Association for Public Health Dentistry, about the Massachusetts ballot initiative. Photo by EZ Event Photography


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