
New ADA kit helps dentists with OSHA compliance, training

Save 15% on Occupational Safety and Health Administration products in ADA Store by using the promo code 23111 by Nov. 30


The new ADA Complete OSHA Compliance Kit aims to help dentists keep their practices compliant and employees safe from workplace hazards.

This kit guides readers through the federal regulations dentists need to know and helps them learn about Occupational Safety and Health Administration compliance and training.

With chapters on bloodborne pathogens, infection control, hazard communication, respiratory protection, waste management, emergency action plans, and all needed forms, the ADA Complete OSHA Compliance Kit is a way to ensure the entire dental staff knows OSHA regulations.

The kit includes two guides, each of which also can be purchased individually: ADA OSHA Training: Guidance for the Dental Team and ADA Guide to OSHA Compliance for Dental Offices.

The kit includes templates for:

  • Employee report of injury form.
  • Employee medical record. 
  • Bloodborne pathogens training roster.
  • Record of post-exposure evaluation and follow-up.
  • Sharps injury log.
  • Hepatitis B vaccination declination.
  • Refusal of post-exposure medical evaluation.
  • Job hazard assessment form.
  • Hazard assessment certificate.
  • Certificate of employee training in personal protective equipment.
  • Safer medical devices evaluation form.

Save 15% on OSHA products at the ADA Store by using the promo code 23111 by Nov. 30.


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