New ADA standards, technical reports available for comment

New standards and technical reports are available for comment from the American Dental Association’s Standards Committee on Dental Informatics and Standards Committee on Dental Products.
The Standards Committee on Dental Informatics has approved the following new standard for circulation and comment:
• Proposed ADA Standard No. 1111 for Dentistry — Oral Dataset Interoperability Network (ODIN). This standard provides a specification to extract, process, format and transmit essential information from a patient’s electronic dental record between one dental information system and another dental or medical health information system. The standard defines these specific electronic dental record elements for data access, storage, transmission and aggregation to allow for more accurate, secure and simple packaging and transmission of this oral dataset. The draft standard can be downloaded from The comment deadline is Sept. 13.
The Standards Committee on Dental Products has also approved the following new standards for circulation and comment:
• Revised ADA Standard No. 32 for Orthodontic Wires. This standard specifies requirements and test methods for wires used in fixed and removable orthodontic appliances. It provides requirements concerning the determination of the physical and mechanical properties of orthodontic wires, plus packaging and labeling information. The revisions were made to bring the standard into conformance with the updated International Organization for Standardization standard of which this standard is a national adoption. To review this standard, send a request to The comment deadline is Sept. 13.
• Revised ADA Standard No. 159 for Coiled Springs for Use in Orthodontics. This standard provides details of methods to compare the physical and mechanical behavior of coiled springs, the test methods by which they can be determined, and packaging and labeling requirements. The revisions were made to bring the standard into conformance with the updated International Organization for Standardization standard of which this standard is a national adoption. To review this standard, send a request to The comment deadline is Sept. 13.
• Proposed ADA Standard No. 187 for Dentistry — Dental CAD/CAM Machinable Ceramic Blanks. This standard specifies the requirements and test methods for fully dense ceramic blanks and the machinability of fully dense materials used for the fabrication of dental fixed restorations. The draft standard can be downloaded from The comment deadline is Sept. 13.
The ADA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute to develop national standards for products and information technology used by dental professionals and consumers. There are currently more than 130 national standards, and more are under development.