World Oral Health Day observed March 20
2024 signifies beginning of campaign under theme of 'A Happy Mouth Is …'

World Oral Health Day is March 20, and the FDI World Dental Federation will begin a three-year campaign to shed light on the multifaceted aspects of oral health under the unifying theme of “A Happy Mouth Is …”
In the inaugural year of the campaign, the FDI is spotlighting the intricate correlation between oral health and overall well-being.
The campaign unveiled a new one-minute movie starring Toothie the Beaver. During the campaign, Toothie will also take over FDI’s @worldoralhealthday Instagram channel with the hope of sparking worldwide engagement and participation.
The FDI World Dental Federation is comprised of approximately 200 national dental associations, including the ADA, from more than 130 countries. It represents the voice of over one million dentists worldwide.
Irene Marron-Tarrazzi, D.M.D., chair of Women Dentists Worldwide-FDI Section and vice chair of the FDI Membership Liaison and Support Committee, said the observance of World Oral Day is important to her.
“Personally, it holds significance because promoting oral health on a global scale is crucial, and joining hands with organizations like the FDI makes it all the more fun and impactful,” she said. “Together, we can make a difference.”
People can show support for the campaign by visiting, which allows them to create customized posters and social media cards that can be used in their workplaces.
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