
Tax extenders legislation includes ADA tax policy priorities

Bill has provisions to support dental practices, small businesses

The House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee have advanced the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which includes some of the ADA’s top tax policy priorities that support dental practices, dentists and dental students. 

The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which the House Ways and Means Committee approved by a 40-3 vote on Jan. 19, would enhance tax breaks for small businesses and low-income families. If approved, the $78 billion bill would include provisions that are key to ADA members, such as an increased limit on expensing of depreciable business assets and allowing a deduction for research and experimental expenses.

The ADA sent a letter to Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., thanking them for including some of the ADA’s top priorities in the bill. The letter was signed by ADA President Linda J. Edgar, D.D.S., and Raymond A. Cohlmia, D.D.S. 

“These tax policy priorities will directly support small business dental practice owners, dentists, and dental students so that we can continue to expand out oral health care services nationwide,” the letter said. 

The ADA also shared additional tax policy priorities that are not currently included in the bill, such as “fair treatment” of business income generated by pass-through entities, as many dental practices are organized as such. The ADA supports the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, which would make permanent the 20% tax deduction for small- and individual-owned businesses.

“We stand ready to collaborate with you in your efforts to craft tax policy that will benefit small businesses, dental practices, and American families and workers,” the ADA said. 

For more information on the ADA’s advocacy efforts, visit

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