Webinar to explore dental care barriers for Medicaid beneficiaries
First session takes place Dec. 11

The ADA Health Policy Institute is slated to host a quarterly webinar series about the barriers and attitudes preventing adult Medicaid beneficiaries from accessing dental care and dentists from participating in Medicaid.
The first webinar, Understanding the Gaps Between Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries and Dentists, will present background and goals of the ADA’s Medicaid Pilot Project. Specific intentions of the project include increasing beneficiary dental care use and increasing the participation rate among dentists.
The webinar will also provide an overview of a survey of adult Medicaid beneficiaries and dentists in eight states that aimed to understand the divide between patients and providers, as well as two white papers written by HPI exploring the survey results and policy implications.
The research briefs are titled Barriers to Dental Care Among Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries and Dentist Perceptions of Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries.
Additionally, a panel will discuss the policy implications of barriers and attitudes that prevent beneficiaries from accessing dental care. It will also explore possible program and attitudinal reforms that can increase Medicaid participation among dentists and improve access to care for beneficiaries.
To register, visit this webpage.